
Update: Funding for heating and renovation from 2024

Current status of the 2024 funding guidelines: Everything you need to know about the changes

The funding guidelines for heating and renovation measures are constantly changing, and 2024 will be no exception. In the following, we would like to summarize the expected changes by the federal government regarding heating and building renovation subsidies from 2024.

Changes in heating supply from 2024

The Federal Government has announced that it will reduce eligible heating replacement costs from 60,000 euros to 30,000 euros in the future. With funding of 70%, the maximum subsidy would thus amount to 21,000 euros. For apartment buildings, a graduation of eligible costs by residential unit is planned. The purpose behind this change is to counteract price excesses in renovation work.

But it is not just the cost structure that is changing: There are also important updates with regard to the type of heating systems subsidized. As a result, new oil and gas heating systems will no longer be produced from 2024 - even if they are partly powered by renewable energy sources such as biogas. In the case of gas heating systems, only the cost share of H2-Ready is eligible for funding.

Changes to bonus regulations

There are also changes in the area of bonus regulations. The income bonus for households with an income of less than 40,000 euros can only be claimed by self-users from 2024. The same applies to the speed bonus of 20 percent: It only applies to self-occupied properties and requires that the old heating system is at least 20 years old and has been powered by fossil fuels.

Innovations in efficiency measures

Efficiency measures on the building envelope should be subject to a maximum eligible investment costs of 60,000 euros per residential unit from 2024, provided that a renovation plan is available. Without a restructuring plan, the upper limit is 30,000 euros. Important: These limits apply in addition to the eligible investment costs for heating replacement. This means that a combination of efficiency measures and heating replacement will be promoted more strongly in the future.

Cheap KfW loans

KfW Bank is also responding to the changes and plans to facilitate restructuring through cheap loans, in particular for owners who would otherwise not receive a loan due to their age or low income. The promotional loans should be available to all households up to a taxable income of 90,000 euros.

It remains to be seen how these changes will be implemented in practice and what impact they will have on owners and residents. However, it is important to find out about upcoming changes at an early stage and to plan accordingly. Stay tuned for more updates and news about funding opportunities from 2024.

Image credit: Adobe Stock/Robert Poorten

Geschrieben von
Etienne-Noel Krause
Founder and CEO

Etienne is one of the founders of autarc, who started in 2023 with the mission of creating more capacity for the installation of heat pumps and thus making a contribution to climate protection.

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