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Autarc AI — app out, scan on, heat load in 15 minutes
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autarc is a better way

to plan heat pumps

Discover the new standard for sales and planning of heat pumps. Heat load, hydraulic balancing (B) and funding application in just a few clicks.
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Bunderverband Wärmepumpe e.V. autarc energy Software Planung wärmepumpe hydraulischer abgleichDIN-logo
Software for the best heating engineers.
From the next generation to established businesses, 250+ customers already trust us.
Vinci UnternehmenslogoDaume Gruppe UnternehmenslogoTheodor Bergmann BerlinVattenfallmf mercedölKosterHörmann HaustechnikeWagEnergie aus DuderstadtKlaus Klein Design BadTeam SteffenThomas Mehner Haustechnik Unternehmenslogo BraunschweigBerner Elektrotechnik

Why autarc?

Uhr Symbol
The fastest way to data
With autarc, you can quickly access via 600 relevant house data thanks to artificial intelligence. In just 10 minutes enter all necessary information, supplemented with pictures at the customer's site. This step can also be taken over by inexperienced colleagues.
Sicherheit Symbol
Higher offer quality
Through the data Does quality increase your offers by 90%. With precise and comprehensive information, you can offer tailor-made solutions. For you, this means: more successful deals And a quick contract processing.
Schloss Symbol
No plant failures
Wrongly dimensioned or timed heat pumps are a thing of the past. Our precise analysis enables a optimal system planning. The result is powerful, efficient heat pumps that are precisely tailored to the needs of your customers. For you, that means: fewer plant failures and therefore happier customers.
Known from

autarc has what you need.

The most efficient planning and sales process.

Nummer 1
Heat pump check and customer portal
Quick aptitude test, modern communication
In few minutes Does your customer find out whether a heat pump is suitable for their home. He then gets access to your customer portal, the hub for all communication. From the initial assessment up to the final installation keep your customers up to date.
Quick aptitude test in just 3 minutes
Customizable interface
Forecast for higher conversion
Accessible 24/7 from all devices
Wärmepumpen check autarc energy
Linie in der Farbe lila
1 hour time saving
Your customer provides you with important information for your calculations
Linie in der Farbe lila
Higher conversion of requests
Nummer 2
On-site visit
Input and calculation in one step
In just 15 minutes Do you get a result for Heat load, sound emissions, heating surface design and hydraulic balancing (B). In addition, a suitable offer is generated. Means for you: less time for data recording, more time to sell the plant.
Mobile availability on tablet/smartphone
Room capture with 3D scanner
Automatic radiator detection (beta)
All calculations in one pdf. Report
LiDAR Scan für Heizlast und hydraulischer abgleich von autarc energy
Linie in der Farbe lila
Data for the best offers and plant planning
Linie in der Farbe lila
>10 hours time saving
For heat load, layout, sound testing, supply and hydraulic adjustment
Nummer 3
Specialist partner portal
One software for everything related to the heat pump
Everything is managed centrally in the specialist partner portal. It allows the generation of Reports, processing of Funding, the creation of VDZ forms, the startup of plants and maintenancies.
Collaborate with teammates
Generating heat pump reports
Planning of systems including heating surfaces
Funding and VDZ forms
Screen von der Projektübersicht der autarc energy software
Work together
10x faster.
autarc was developed so that you and your colleagues get the most out of sales and planning for heating installations.
iPhone Screen autarc energy
Angebotstool autarc energy
Wärmepumpen Report autarc energy
Meets all requirements
And more
autarc has what you need and is therefore the leading provider of heat pump planning.
Overview of all inquiries
High conversion prediction
Share projects with customers
Customizable interface
Create customer file
All climate data
Heat load calculation
Heating surface design
sound emissions
Indicative price offers
manufacturer's instructions
Auto Inspection of delivery measures
Customizable checklists
Online orders
Material extracts
Foundation instructions
Annual performance figure
Safety distances
Installation site with augmented reality
valve settings
pump delivery heights
Review of available funding
Interface to BAFA
+ more
“Since we've been using autarc, we've been driving We no longer go directly to every customer. Through the Qualification During the heat pump check, we only deal with customers who are really interested in a heat pump.”
Philip Walter
Managing Director
Thomas Mehner Haustechnik
Our guide
The ultimate guide to
Heat pump house visits 2024 are here!
Learn moreautarc Leitfaden für Wärmepumpen Hausbesuche
Leading manufacturers
Works with all manufacturers and types
of heat pumps
Learn moreÜbersicht verfügbarer Hersteller in der autarc energy software
Our software works with all manufacturers.
You can find a small selection here.
DanfossIMI HeimeierOventropResideo HoneywellViessmannVaillant LogoStiebel Eltron LogoDaikin LogoBuderus LogoSamsung LogoBosch Logo
Ready to start?
Discover all our solutions or book a demo to test autarc free of charge.
Sicherheit Symbol
100% DIN compliant
We comply with all standards in our calculations
Kalender Symbol
24/7 available
Accessible from all devices throughout the year
Person Symbol
Personal contact
We take time to answer your concerns, no question remains unanswered

What our customers say.

How Daume plans 270 heat pumps per year using Autarc.

Linie in der Farbe lila
Premium license
Everything you need to make your business efficient.
Linie in der Farbe lila
Products in use
Heat pump check
Customer portal
iOS app for iPad
Heat pump report
Linie in der Farbe lila
>270 heat pumps
Install thumbs per year and plan them with self-tarc.
Your potential

Calculate your savings potential.

With autarc, we make you even more efficient.

Available soon
“With autarc, we can implement method B in Create under 1 hour, much faster than our previous solutions. We can see that our customers are impressed that everything comes from a single source.”
Portrait Stefan Möllenhoff Vinci Energies
Stefan Möllenhoff
Vinci Energies
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We can help answer questions and resolve issues. Have a look at our frequently asked questions, send us a message or give us a call.
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Bunderverband Wärmepumpe e.V. autarc energy Software Planung wärmepumpe hydraulischer abgleichINVEST Förderung BAFA für autarc energyEuropean Social Fund