heat pump

What is R290 refrigerant?

R290 refrigerant: environmentally friendly and efficient for heat pumps

More and more heat pumps rely on a refrigerant that combines efficiency and sustainability. But what makes R290 so special and why is it becoming increasingly important in heating technology? Discover the key role of this innovative refrigerant in a climate-friendly future.

Das Wichtigste im Überblick
Das Wichtigste im Überblick
  • R290 ist reines Propan mit einem extrem niedrigen Treibhauspotenzial und gilt als umweltfreundliches und zukunftssicheres Kältemittel.
  • R290 ermöglicht hohe Vorlauftemperaturen bis 75 °C, was den Einsatz in Altbauten erleichtert.
  • Es bietet hohe Energieeffizienz durch hervorragende thermodynamische Eigenschaften, was Betriebskosten und Energieverbrauch senkt.
  • Trotz seiner Entflammbarkeit (Sicherheitsklasse A3) gilt R290 bei fachgerechter Installation und geschlossenen Systemen als sicher. Automatische Sicherheitssysteme minimieren Risiken.
  • Wärmepumpen mit R290 sind im Rahmen der BEG förderfähig und können aufgrund ihres Effizienzgrades zusätzliche Boni erhalten.
  • Im Vergleich zu R32 ist R290 umweltfreundlicher, ermöglicht höhere Vorlauftemperaturen und unterliegt keinen Einschränkungen durch die F-Gase-Verordnung.
  • Als klimafreundliches und gesetzlich unproblematisches Kältemittel wird R290 zunehmend als Standard in Wärmepumpen etabliert.

What is R290 refrigerant?

The refrigerant R290 is pure propane, which is used as a natural and environmentally friendly refrigerant. It belongs to the group of hydrocarbons and is characterized by an extremely low global warming potential. Due to its excellent thermodynamic properties, it is increasingly being used in heat pumps that focus on efficiency and sustainability.

Why do heat pumps need refrigerants such as R290?

Require heat pumps Refrigerants Such as R290, so that they efficiently transport and utilize thermal energy. The Refrigerant Circuit works in several steps:

  • Heat absorption: The liquid refrigerant absorbs heat from the environment (e.g. air, water or soil). It evaporates at low temperatures, as R290 can change the aggregate state even with low amounts of heat.
  • Compression: The gaseous refrigerant is heavily compressed in a compressor. As a result of this process, the temperature of the refrigerant rises significantly.
  • Heat output: The heated refrigerant transfers its heat via a heat exchanger (condenser) to the heating system, e.g. to the heating water. In the process, it cools down and liquefies again.
  • Pressure reduction: After the heat has been released, the liquefied refrigerant is passed through an expansion valve. Here, the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant drop so that it is once again ready to absorb heat from the environment. The process then starts from the beginning and the refrigerant can continuously transport thermal energy.

Refrigerant circuit heat pump

What makes R290 refrigerant special?

The Refrigerant R290 has several special properties that set it apart from other refrigerants and is particularly attractive for Use in heat pumps Make:

  • Low boiling point: R290 evaporates even at very low temperatures. This enables heat pumps to work efficiently even at extremely cold outdoor temperatures. Even the ambient heat from air, water or soil is sufficient to evaporate the propane.
  • Low Global Warming Potential (GWP): With a GWP value of 3, R290 is almost climate-neutral. Compared to conventional synthetic refrigerants such as R32 or R410A, it has a significantly lower environmental impact.
  • High energy efficiency: Thanks to their excellent thermodynamic properties, R290 heat pumps achieve high efficiency (COP), which reduces both operating costs and energy consumption.
  • Low steam volume: The small volume of evaporated refrigerant means that even a small amount of propane is sufficient to transport the heat energy. This reduces the required filling quantity and makes the systems more compact.
  • Low condensing pressure: R290 requires low pressure so that it liquefies again after the heat has been released. This reduces the load on components such as the compressor, which extends the life of the heat pump.
  • Future security: R290 is a natural refrigerant and is not subject to the restrictions of the f-gas regulation. This makes it available in the long term and legally unproblematic.

How safe is R290 refrigerant?

The use of propane (R290) as a refrigerant is considered safe provided that certain safety precautions are followed. It is highly flammable and, due to its properties, is assigned safety class A3. The following aspects therefore play a decisive role in safe use:

  • Closed systems: R290 is used in hermetically sealed systems, so that refrigerant leakage is almost impossible. This minimizes the risk of inflammation.
  • Low volumes: Heat pumps and other devices that use R290 generally only use very small amounts of refrigerant. This significantly reduces the risk, even if a leak occurs.
  • Compliance with safety standards: Systems with R290 must be built strictly in accordance with applicable standards and regulations (e.g. DIN EN 378). These regulate, among other things, the maximum permitted filling quantities and the distance to potential sources of ignition.
  • Explosion protection: Special protective measures are required in areas where the refrigerant is stored or processed. This includes sparkproof electrical components and adequate ventilation.
  • Automatic monitoring systems: Many modern heat pumps have sensors that detect potential leaks and automatically shut down the system.
  • Installation and maintenance by qualified personnel: Safe handling of R290 requires professional installation and regular maintenance by certified specialists. They are trained to identify and eliminate potential sources of danger at an early stage.
  • Low risk in practice: Despite its flammability, the practical application of R290 in heat pumps, refrigerators and air conditioning systems shows that the risk is extremely low when used properly.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using R290 as a refrigerant?

R290 is considered as Future-proof refrigerantBecause it meets the requirements of the F-gas regulation and has an extremely low global warming potential (GWP) of 3. In heat pumps, R290 enables flow temperatures of up to 75°C, which makes it easier to use in old buildings. This improves heat pump efficiency and reduces operating costs. However, it is flammable and requires strict safety measures.

Tabelle: Vorteile und Nachteile von R290
Vorteile von R290 Nachteile von R290
Extrem niedriges Treibhauspotenzial (GWP 3) Entzündlich, Sicherheitsklasse A3
Zukunftssicher durch F-Gase-Verordnung Strenge Sicherheitsvorschriften bei Installation und Betrieb
Ermöglicht Vorlauftemperaturen bis 75 °C Nur für geschlossene Systeme geeignet
Geeignet für ältere Gebäude mit Radiatoren Nicht mit allen bestehenden Wärmepumpensystemen kompatibel
Kann Trinkwarmwasser auf bis zu 70 °C erhitzen Höhere Anforderungen an Fachwissen bei Wartung und Installation
Reduziert den Bedarf an elektrischer Zusatzheizung Erhöhte Kosten durch Sicherheitsmaßnahmen
Hohe Energieeffizienz durch thermodynamische Eigenschaften Begrenzte maximale Füllmenge, abhängig von Gerät und System
Natürliches Kältemittel, klimafreundlich

Are R290 heat pumps eligible?

R290 heat pumps are eligible for funding under the BEG (Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings) if they meet the minimum technical requirements. Since R290 is considered an environmentally friendly refrigerant, these heat pumps generally meet the criteria for funding. You will also receive an additional 5% subsidy as a result of the efficiency bonus.

Is R290 dangerous?

R290 is not toxic but flammable (safety class A3). The risk is low when properly installed and when systems are closed. The design of modern heat pumps prevents potential leaks. Additional safety systems identify and stop potential risks.

Why is R290 better than R32?

Unlike the R32, the R290 has an extremely low global warming potential (GWP 3 instead of 675). It is therefore more environmentally friendly and also allows flow temperatures of up to 75°C, making it suitable for renovations. In addition, it is not subject to any restrictions under the f-gas regulation and is therefore considered to be usable in the long term.

Which heat pumps use R290?

Many heat pumps from manufacturers such as Viessmann, Stiebel Eltron, Wolf and others rely on R290. These models are particularly suitable for renovations and new buildings that require high flow temperatures and at the same time value an environmentally friendly alternative.

Is R290 future-proof?

R290 is future-proof because it meets the requirements of the F-gas regulation and, with a GWP of 3, is almost climate-neutral. Due to its thermodynamic properties and sustainability, R290 is increasingly being used as a standard for modern heat pumps.

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Geschrieben von
Stefano Fonseca

Stefano Fonseca is an energy and environment engineer with over six years of experience in technical building equipment (TGA). He combines technical expertise with a passion for understandable communication. For more than five years, he has been writing as a freelance editor about renewable energy and sustainable living, in particular about photovoltaics and heat pumps.

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