Theodor Bergmann relies on autarc

as a partner for
heat pump

As a long-standing and reliable provider of sanitary and heating technology in Berlin, Theodor Bergmann has stood for excellent quality and innovation for decades. A perfect match to autarc!
Challenges ahead of autarc
Hydraulic balancing
The calculation under the new mandatory Method B
data collection
Building data were collected using a laser and folding rule recorded manually
System sizing
Until now, systems have been exclusively provided by partners construed
“We started using autarc early on and have been following the team's development ever since. We're looking forward to everything that's yet to come.”
Benjamin Bergmann
Managing Director
Theodor Bergmann
Theodor Bergmann GmbH & Co. KG, a specialist in the field of heating technology, faced three major challenges in the area of planning and implementation of heating systems. The first challenge was to correctly carry out the hydraulic adjustment according to mandatory method B, a complex task that requires precise calculations. The second challenge concerned data collection: Until now, building data was only recorded manually with a folding rule, which was very time-consuming. The third challenge was sizing the system. Until now, heating systems have been designed exclusively by partners, which created dependencies and limited flexibility.
To overcome these challenges, Theodor Bergmann integrated autarc software into their work processes. With autarc, the company was able to carry out hydraulic balancing precisely in accordance with method B. The software automated and simplified the process through precise calculations and ensured that the reconciliation was carried out efficiently. At the data collection Autarc enabled the digital recording of building data, which increased accuracy and drastically reduced time expenditure. In addition, the software allowed precise internal dimensioning of systems, which increased independence from external partners and improved control over the entire planning process.
The introduction of autarc software led to a significant optimization of Theodor Bergmann's work processes. The precise hydraulic adjustments increased the efficiency of heating systems and customer satisfaction. Digital data collection saved time and costs and significantly reduced the error rate. The independent sizing of the heating systems gave the company more flexibility and control, which ultimately led to increased competitiveness on the market. Theodor Bergmann was able to position itself as a future-oriented company that uses innovative solutions to increase energy efficiency and reduce its ecological footprint.
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