
What relevant trade fairs are there in 2025 in the building technology sector?

What relevant trade fairs are there in 2025 in the building technology sector?

At SHK trade fairs, you can discover new technologies, market trends and networking opportunities. They offer industry players, companies and interested parties a platform for exchange and innovation. This article presents the most important trade fairs in 2025 at which autarc.energy is represented and gives an insight into what visitors can expect there.


🔍 Das Wichtigste im Überblick

  • Die E-World energy & water in Essen ist die Leitmesse fĂĽr nachhaltige Energielösungen, Digitalisierung und Klimaschutz.
  • Die WEBUILD Energiesparmesse in Wels, Ă–sterreich, fokussiert auf energieeffizientes Bauen und erneuerbare Energien.
  • Die ISH in Frankfurt ist die weltweit fĂĽhrende Messe fĂĽr Wasser, Energie und Klima mit starkem Fokus auf nachhaltige Lösungen.
  • Die Solar Solution Bremen bietet praxisorientierte Workshops und Produktpräsentationen fĂĽr Solartechnik.
  • Die Intersolar Europe in MĂĽnchen präsentiert Innovationen der Solarwirtschaft, inklusive Verleihung des Intersolar Awards.
  • Der 141. Bundesverbandstag des Schornsteinfegerhandwerks in Berlin dreht sich rund um Energieeffizienz und moderne Technologien.


What relevant trade fairs are there in 2025 in the HVAC sector?

The most important trade fairs in 2025 in the HVAC sector include E-World Essen, ISH Frankfurt and Intersolar Europe in Munich. Here is an overview of all events where you can find us:


Messe Veranstaltungsort Datum
E-World energy & water Essen 11. bis 13. Februar 2025
WEBUILD Energiesparmesse Wels (Österreich) 5. bis 7. März 2025
ISH Frankfurt 17. bis 21. März 2025
Solar Solution Bremen Bremen 26. bis 27. März 2025
Intersolar Europe MĂĽnchen 7. bis 9. Mai 2025
141. Bundesverbandstag des Schornsteinfegerhandwerks Berlin 10. bis 13. Juni 2025


E-World Energy & Water

The E-World Energy & Water Essen is the leading trade fair for the European energy and water industry. Energy suppliers, network operators and experts meet here with a focus on sustainable energy solutions, digitization and climate protection. Innovations and strategies for the energy transition will be discussed in specialist lectures and panel discussions, networking events and business meetings, as well as presentations on innovative technologies.


WEBUILD Energy Saving Fair

The WEBUILD Energy Saving Fair Wels is Austria's most important trade fair for construction, energy and sanitation technology. It is aimed at trade visitors and end customers and offers a wide selection of exhibitors. The topics range from energy-efficient construction to renewable energy. A highlight is the focus on practical solutions for climate protection.



The ISH (International Sanitary and Heating Exhibition) Frankfurt is the world's leading trade fair for water, energy and climate. It is aimed at architects, planners and installers. The focus is on sustainable solutions, modern heating technologies and innovative sanitary technology. Special features of the trade fair include the topic-specific forums and strong international exchange.


Solar Solution Bremen

The Solar Solution Bremen is a specialized trade fair for solar technology. It is aimed at specialist companies, installers and planners. The program includes practice-oriented workshops and product presentations. The focus is on photovoltaic systems for small and medium-sized applications.


Intersolar Europe

The Intersolar Europe Munich is the leading trade fair for the solar industry. It is aimed at experts from the photovoltaic and energy storage sector. Highlights include the presentation of new technologies, panel discussions and the Intersolar Award, which honors innovative products.


141st Federal Association Day of Chimney Sweeping Crafts

The 141st Federal Association Day of Chimney Sweeping Crafts in Berlin is aimed at professionals in the sector. Numerous partners and guests from politics, crafts and the energy and heating transition are expected. The focus is on topics such as energy efficiency, emission protection and modern technologies in the chimney sweep trade. The event features lectures, workshops and a trade exhibition.


Why you should visit us

Experience the autarc software up close and see for yourself our innovative solutions for the HVAC industry. We present you with cutting-edge technologies that make your projects more efficient and sustainable. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet our experts directly on site, get individual advice and gain practical insights into our products.

With the autarc platform, you can optimize your processes and benefit from the latest developments in the industry. Come visit us and see innovation in action!


Geschrieben von
Stefano Fonseca

Stefano Fonseca is an energy and environment engineer with over six years of experience in technical building equipment (TGA). He combines technical expertise with a passion for understandable communication. For more than five years, he has been writing as a freelance editor about renewable energy and sustainable living, in particular about photovoltaics and heat pumps.


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