heat pump

Which refrigerants for heat pumps are permitted/banned from 2025?

Which refrigerants are permitted from 2025?

From 2025, the requirements for refrigerants will change fundamentally. This raises questions about acceptable alternatives and the effects on technology and the environment. Which developments are shaping the future of heat pumps? A look at the new regulations promises exciting insights.

Das Wichtigste im Überblick
Das Wichtigste im Überblick
  • Kältemittel sind essentiell für den thermodynamischen Kreislauf und beeinflussen die Effizienz und Umweltfreundlichkeit von Wärmepumpen.
  • Natürliche Kältemittel wie CO₂ (R744) und Propan (R290) sind besonders umweltfreundlich und zukunftssicher.
  • Synthetische Kältemittel wie R32 bieten Vielseitigkeit, unterliegen aber zunehmend gesetzlichen Einschränkungen.
  • Ab 2025 sind Kältemittel mit einem GWP über 750 in neuen Anlagen verboten, bestehende Systeme sind jedoch nicht betroffen.
  • Die Wahl des Kältemittels hängt von Faktoren wie Umweltverträglichkeit, Effizienz, Sicherheit und gesetzlichen Vorgaben ab.
  • Forschung und Innovation setzen auf nachhaltige Alternativen und zukunftssichere Technologien.

What are F-gases?

F-gases are artificially produced gases that contain fluorine. They are used in various refrigerants used, for example in heat pumps and chillers. They have a high global warming potential and contribute significantly to global warming. If F-gases get into the atmosphere, they amplify the greenhouse effect in a similar way to CO2, but with a significantly higher climate effect than carbon dioxide.

To gradually reduce the use of these gases, the F-gas regulation was created by the EU.

From 2025, stricter rules will apply, which are particularly relevant for heat pumps.

Background: The F-gas regulation

The F-gas Regulation (EU) 2024/573 is a new version that came into force on March 11, 2024 and replaces the previous Regulation (EU) 517/2014. The aim of the regulation is to drastically reduce fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) such as partially fluorinated (HFCs) and fully fluorocarbons (HFCs).

The new regulation significantly accelerates the phase-out of F-gases. The phase-down, which was originally planned until 2032, will now continue until 2050 and will end with a complete ban on all F-gases. In addition, there are strict Use bans for refrigerants with a GWP above 750.

Phase-down according to F-gas regulation

An originally planned ban on F-gases for service and maintenance from 2024 has not been implemented so that existing systems can continue to be used. Nevertheless, the new regulations apply to both new and existing plants and aim to consistently minimize the use of climate-damaging refrigerants.

The regulation is particularly relevant for the heating, cooling and air-conditioning sector, as many systems here rely on F-gases as refrigerants.

Which refrigerants are permitted from 2025?

From 2025, only refrigerants with a GWP of 750 or less allowed. These include both natural and synthetic alternatives, which are less harmful to the climate.

Natural refrigerants such as propane (R290) or CO2 (R744) are impressive due to their environmental friendliness, but are sometimes subject to strict safety requirements. Synthetic alternatives such as R32 ROAD remain popular as they are already established and offer a moderate GWP. Future-oriented solutions such as R1234ze combine extremely low GWP with modern technology, but are often more expensive.

The following table provides an overview of allowable Refrigerant for heat pumps, their GWP values as well as advantages and disadvantages.

Kältemittel Tabelle

Kältemittel Eigenschaften


Which refrigerants will be banned from 2025?

From 2025, refrigerants with a GWP value above 750. This ban primarily concerns fluorinated greenhouse gases, which make a significant contribution to the greenhouse effect. For example, refrigerants such as R410A (GWP: 2088) and R404A (GWP: 3922) are no longer used in new systems. These gases have been used frequently due to their high efficiency, but are particularly harmful to the climate.

The ban has consequences for manufacturers, installers and operators.

What impact does this have on the heat pump industry?

The new requirements of the F-gas regulation have far-reaching effects on the heat pump industry.

  • Technological developments: Manufacturers must supply their systems with approved refrigerants such as R32 ROAD or propane (R290) adjust. This requires investments in research and the development of more efficient and secure technologies.
  • Market trends and prices: Switching to environmentally friendly refrigerants can increase production costs in the short term. This could have an impact on the prices of new heat pumps, while at the same time older models with unapproved refrigerants lose value.
  • availability: New plants could temporarily become scarcer as a result of the changeover. At the same time, the demand for training courses and specialist companies that can work with alternative refrigerants is growing.
  • Promoting environmentally friendly technologies: The new regulations create incentives for the development of sustainable solutions. Funding programs support the switch to modern heat pump systems and make them more attractive for end customers.

What are the requirements for manufacturers and operators from 2025?

From 2025, manufacturers and operators must comply with strict requirements of the F-gas regulation, including:

  • Obligations for new investments: Manufacturers are required to use only approved refrigerants with a GWP ≤ 750. When purchasing new systems, operators must ensure that they comply with legal requirements.
  • Training of specialist companies: Installers and service technicians need training, in particular how to handle flammable (e.g. propane) or toxic (e.g. ammonia) refrigerants. These training courses ensure safe and compliant operation.
  • Recovery and disposal: Operators must professionally recover old refrigerants and dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner in accordance with regulations. Manufacturers must provide appropriate take-back systems for this purpose.

FAQ Section
Was ist das umweltfreundlichste Kältemittel für Wärmepumpen?
Natürliche Kältemittel wie CO₂ (R744) und Propan (R290) gelten als die umweltfreundlichsten Optionen, da sie ein sehr geringes oder gar kein Treibhauspotenzial (GWP) aufweisen.
Ist der Umstieg auf Wärmepumpen mit natürlichen Kältemitteln teurer?
Die Anschaffungskosten können leicht höher sein, langfristig gleichen jedoch die höhere Effizienz und geringere Betriebskosten diese aus.
Wie erkenne ich, welches Kältemittel meine Wärmepumpe verwendet?
Das verwendete Kältemittel ist auf dem Typenschild der Wärmepumpe oder in der technischen Dokumentation angegeben.
Muss ich das Kältemittel meiner alten Wärmepumpe durch ein nachhaltigeres ersetzen?
Nein, gesetzlich sind Sie nicht verpflichtet, das Kältemittel Ihrer bestehenden Wärmepumpe zu ersetzen. Die EU-F-Gase-Verordnung betrifft nur neue Anlagen, die ab 2025 mit Kältemitteln mit einem GWP über 750 nicht mehr betrieben werden dürfen. Bei bestehenden Wärmepumpen dürfen Kältemittel wie R410A weiterhin verwendet werden, solange sie dicht sind und korrekt gewartet werden.

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Geschrieben von
Stefano Fonseca

Stefano Fonseca is an energy and environment engineer with over six years of experience in technical building equipment (TGA). He combines technical expertise with a passion for understandable communication. For more than five years, he has been writing as a freelance editor about renewable energy and sustainable living, in particular about photovoltaics and heat pumps.

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Kältemittel Typ GWP Typische Anwendungen Vorteile Nachteile
CO₂ (R744) Natürlich 1 Gewerbekälte, Luft-Wasser-Wärmepumpen Umweltfreundlich, keine Brennbarkeit, stabil Hoher Betriebsdruck, aufwendige Technik
Propan (R290) Natürlich 3 Haushaltswärmepumpen, Gewerbe Sehr effizient, kostengünstig, geringes GWP Brennba, strenge Sicherheitsauflagen
Ammoniak (R717) Natürlich 0 Industrielle Wärmepumpen Hohe Effizienz Toxische effiziert nur Professonell