hydraulic balancing

Why hydraulic balancing in accordance with method B is essential for heat pumps: Effects on homeowners and customer satisfaction

Why hydraulic balancing in accordance with method B is essential for heat pumps: Effects on homeowners and customer satisfaction

Hydraulic balancing is an essential step in the installation and maintenance of heating systems. In the case of heat pumps in particular, method B of hydraulic balancing ensures that the system functions optimally and saves energy and costs in the long term. But what happens when this crucial step is overlooked or ignored? What are the long-term consequences for homeowners and how does this affect customer satisfaction and recommendations?

Possible problems in the absence of hydraulic balancing in accordance with method B

If hydraulic balancing in accordance with method B is not carried out when installing a heat pump, numerous problems can arise. Some rooms may get too hot, others too cold, and there may be an uneven distribution of heat throughout the house. This not only leads to an uncomfortable living environment, but also to an inefficient heating system that consumes more energy and causes higher costs. In addition, faulty installation of the heat pump can shorten its life and result in frequent repairs.

The advantages of correct hydraulic balancing in accordance with method B

Hydraulic balancing in accordance with method B ensures that the heating load and the heating surfaces of all rooms are precisely calculated and adjusted. This enables optimum heat pump performance and ensures that all rooms are heated evenly.

The impact of a lack of hydraulic balancing on customer satisfaction

In addition to the technical aspects, the lack of hydraulic adjustment in accordance with method B also has an impact on customer satisfaction. Dissatisfied customers are less likely to recommend their HVAC company to others. Proper installation and maintenance, including hydraulic balancing in accordance with method B, are key elements for high customer satisfaction and positive recommendations.

The benefits of using software solutions for hydraulic balancing

HVAC companies that decide to use software solutions such as those from autarc benefit from automated and precise calculations that simplify and optimize hydraulic balancing in accordance with method B. Relevant data on the rooms and the existing heating surfaces can be collected and evaluated directly in just a few minutes. These solutions can help increase customer satisfaction, encourage positive referrals, and strengthen the entire business.

The importance of hydraulic balancing for long-term corporate success

Carrying out a hydraulic adjustment in accordance with method B is therefore not only a question of technical requirements, but also a decisive factor for customer satisfaction and the long-term success of the company. It is an important step that ensures that heat pump installations are efficient and effective over the long term and result in a satisfied and loyal customer base.

Image rights: Institute of Heat and Oil Technology

Geschrieben von
Thies Hansen
Founder and COO

As co-founder and COO, Thies founded autarc in 2023 together with Etienne. Inspired by the 2022 energy crisis and climate change, he quickly realized that the heating revolution must be a decisive lever — this is how autarc was created.

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