heat pump

Heat pumps and floor heating: Really necessary?

Heat pumps and floor heating: A necessity or just a myth?

There are many myths and misconceptions in the world of heat pumps. A widespread assumption is that heat pumps can only work efficiently with underfloor heating. But is that really the case? Let us reveal the secret.

Different types of heat pumps

First of all, it's important to understand that there are different types of heat pumps. Depending on the model, they use environmental heat from air, soil or groundwater. This heat is brought to a higher temperature using electrical energy. In order to consume as little electricity as possible, low flow temperatures are advantageous.

The role of floor heating

The question of whether a heat pump only makes sense with surface heating, such as floor heating, is often asked. The answer isn't as easy as it seems.

Basically, the larger the heating surface is dimensioned, the lower the flow temperature can be in order to transfer the required amount of heat into the room. As a rule, heat pumps can also be operated efficiently with radiators. According to experts, the existing radiators are often already sufficiently dimensioned to deliver the desired heat to the room with flow temperatures of up to 55 °C.

Heat transfer system optimization

A specialist can check and optimize the performance of the heat transfer system to lower the flow temperature. For each radiator and every room, it is possible to calculate which heat transfer is reasonably possible.

Retrofitting of panel heating systems

It is also possible to retrofit floor, wall or ceiling heating systems in the event of a renovation. The new generation of heat pumps also creates flow temperatures of up to 70 °C, should this be necessary in the short term during particularly cold outdoor temperatures.


In summary, a heat pump does not necessarily need floor heating to work efficiently. With the right sizing and optimization of the heat transfer system, conventional radiators can also be operated efficiently with a heat pump.

At autarc.energy, we offer software for heat pump installers that helps to find the optimal solution for every individual situation. With our software, installers can maximize the efficiency of heat pumps, regardless of whether floor heating is available or not.

Picture: Dmitry Melnikov/Shutterstock

Geschrieben von
Thies Hansen
Founder and COO

As co-founder and COO, Thies founded autarc in 2023 together with Etienne. Inspired by the 2022 energy crisis and climate change, he quickly realized that the heating revolution must be a decisive lever — this is how autarc was created.

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